Sunday, June 16, 2019

Is CSR a myth a study of the sourcing strategies of the UK food Essay

Is CSR a myth a study of the sourcing strategies of the UK food retailers - Essay ExampleThe study suggests that future marketing opportunities is in providing the consumers with products that deliver value and these should contain ethical social values. This is because the UK consumer is still ethically consciousness and is willing to pay the price for it. However, the retailers are quick to charge a premium while also passing on the burden of cost-effective sourcing to the suppliers. The retailers need to understand that to retain loyal customers they would need to take care of the concerns of the consumers. several(prenominal) retailers have gone to the point of selling most of the products in the region where it is produced. This enhances customer relationship and is also cost effective as the supply chain are shorter. Moreover chances of contamination increase in larger supply chains. Overall, the UK food retailers discharge their CSR only to a limited extent. They also adher e to the fair-trade norms to the extent that they have to fulfill the government regulations imposed upon them. They need to attend to the concerns of all the stakeholders and have to ensure that their sourcing is cost effective. Volume purchases at the international level fetches them this benefit. However, not all retailers follow this strategy and some have actually integrated CSR into their strategy not because of the benefits that it gives but because they recognize that they must give back something to the society.

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